The researcher conducts two interviews in this study. The first interview is with the leader of Al-Urwatul Wutsqa Islamic boarding school of Jombang. It is intended to know the reasons in applying the Qur’any method in teaching English at the first grade at junior high school. The form and the result of the interview is in appendix one. From the interview the researcher found some reasons for applying the Qur’any method in teaching English.
a. The method is suitable for the beginner
There are several methods that have been applied by the teacher in teaching and learning process especially in teaching English subject. The reasons of the head of Islamic boarding school of Jombang applies the Qur’any method in teaching English subject in the first grade of junior high school he thinks that this method is suitable to be applied for the beginner learner of English subject. The students who are in the first grade of the junior high school are still in the transitions period from the Elementary School. They are still contaminated by their childish attitude in their elementary school. Besides, they not only like to learn in relaxing and enjoy situation but also like to follow their friends. In general, the Qu’any method applies rhythms or songs, repetitions, and learns the material from the basic concepts and from the general to the specific one in teaching and learning process. From the reasons above, he though that the Qur’any method will be more practical to be used in teaching English in junior high school especially in the first grade. The Qur’any method consists of some method such as; Baghdadiah method, Qiro’aty method, Iqro’ method, Tilawah method, Albarqy method, Adult and Fused Iqro’ method, and Adult treatment. Those all methods applied in some different ways in teaching and learning process which can help the students easier in learning English subject.
b. By using the Qur’any method will help the students customize to spell and pronounce the words or the vocabulary of English correctly.
Teaching and learning the Al-qur’an as the holly book for Moslems should be careful. The spelling and pronouncing of Al-qur’an words is much attended. The wrong of spelling and pronouncing the words will influence the meaning of the Al-qur’an’ content it self. Therefore, the using of Qur’any method in teaching English hopefully to make the students customize spell and pronounce the English words correctly.
c. By using the Qur’any method, the students will be easier in memorizing the vocabulary.
By practicing the repetitions which use rhythms of the vocabulary as good as possible, the lesson will be achieved and understood by the students quickly.
d. The method will improve the students’ motivation.
The teacher delivers the lesson by using many techniques such as repeating the words together and individually by using some different rhythms or songs. It is intended to avoid the students’ boredom in joining the teaching and learning process. By applying these methods can encourage students’ desire in joining the lesson.
e. The method was certified by IPDI (Ikatan Pendidik Imtaq) that the method is good to be applied in teaching English at the first grade of junior high school students.
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